
dear Vanilla had tagged me for a meme, and the rules are:

1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
4. Tag seven random [?] people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

i’m not one who knows oneself very well, but i’m giving it a go anyway:

a. i don’t brush my teeth after a night’s sleep in the morning. i rinse my mouth, eat my breakfast, then brush my teeth.
b. i will put on my left sock before putting on the right one. but sometimes, i will put on my left shoe after putting on my left sock, before i put on my right sock and shoe.
c. i doodled a lot whenever i attended lessons, workshops, seminars, etc. i must say i could draw some decent comics.
d. i use my left ear during phone calls.
e. unlike many professional football players, i can play football very well with both feet. unlike beckham or giggs, i can bend the football round a wall pretty well with both feet.
f. i can use the mouse with any of my hands.
g. i’m a right-hander.

i shall hand over the baton to the following folks:


have fun!

Published in: on Friday, November 16, 2007 at 11:59 pm  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thanks for the tag. I’ll do the meme over the weekend.

  2. you are welcome, Marie!

  3. are you serious? you have your breakfast before you brush your teeth HAHAHAHAHA

  4. yes, i am.

  5. Nice list CS! Eeeeks! That means I’m tagged twice. I must get my skates on!:-)

  6. Nice list, CS! 🙂 It seems you’re ambidextrous…

  7. Thanks, I think. I may have to wait until after NaNoWriMo month is over, but one of these days I’ll say something, I think. This is called ambidextrous thinking, I think.

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